Indonesian Sissy Soldiers Using Mortar Bombs Attack WPNLA Headquarters
In English as follow…!!!The Indonesian Military Used Mortar Bombs Were Attacked the TPNPB Headquarters in Sorong and Destroy Five Houses-However the TPNPB Troops Actually Managed to Shot Dead One TNI MemberThe Press Release from the Management of National Command Headquarters of West Papua National Liberation Army as of 28th of January 2024. The management of the National Command Headquarters, West Papua National Liberation Army-Free Papua Organization has received an official report from the Operations Commander of TPNPB KODP IV Sorong Raya-Maybrat Major Arnoldus Yancen Kocu, and in their report they said that the Indonesian Military had carried out an attack on the Deputy Commander’s Defense Headquarters Use Mortar Bombs and destroy five houses.Even though they were attacked using mortar bombs, there were no casualties on the TPNPB side and in fact the Deputy Commander of Operations at TPNPB Kodap IV Sorong Raya, First Lieutenant Mamfred Fatem, managed to shot dead one TNI member.This was reported directly by the Operations Commander of TPNPB KODAP IV Sorong Raya Major Arnoldus Yancen Kocu via his cell phone to the Management of KOMNAS TPNPB Headquarters on the evening of January 27th, 2024.Please follow the direct report from TPNPB Defense Region IV Sorong Raya below…!!!TPNPB-OPM KODAP IV SORONG RAYA report,On Thursday, January 25th, 2024 at exactly 16:00 (4 pm) there was an attack from terrorists, namely the Indonesian Military, on the Deputy Commander’s Headquarters along with the deputy commander for operations of the TPNPB Kodap IV Sorong Raya as well as the Momondan of the Ayosami Battalion and the Commander of the operations of the Ayosami battalion.In this attack the Indonesian Military used mortar bombs and completely were destroyed five houses, but in this attack there were no casualties on the side of TPNPB-OPM KODAP IV SORONG RAYA.

Even though the Indonesian Military used Mortar Bombs to destroyed 5 houses, there were no TPNPB victims and in fact the victim was the Indonesian Military, namely one of TNI member who was successfully shot dead by the deputy operations commander of Kodap IV Sorong Raya “first lieutenant Manfred Fatem”.The bodies of TNI members who had been shot dead by the TPNPB were closely guarded by the TNI at night and then the next day the bodies were evacuated to Ayata, Middle East Aifat District, Maybrat Regency, Papua.This is a short report from TPNPB-OPM KODAP IV SORONG RAYA.Knowing the person responsible for the TPNPB-OPM KODAP IV SORONG RAYA war,
REGIONAL Commander-Brigadier General DENY MOS…………………………..
Operations Commander,Major Arnoldus Yansen Kocu
The highest responsibility for the West Papua National Liberation War is under the leadership of TPNPB Commander in Chief Gen Goliath Naaman Tabun and TPNPB General Operations Commander Major General Lekagak Telenggen. Evidence of five residential houses that were bombed by the TNI is attached:This is the press release from the Management of KOMNAS TPNPB Headquarters and the Management of Komnas TPNPB Headquarters is responsible for this press release.

Forwarded to all parties by KOMNAS TPNPB-OPM Spokesperson Sebby Sambom, and thank you for your good cooperation. God of the ancestors of the nations of the world bless us all. Waa.
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