Woods, Oil Palms & Animals
New Guinea is the second biggest Island in the World after Greendland and the Third of Tropical Rain Forest after Amazon in Brazile and Congo. Seceond Biggest Island made the Settlers of Indonesia and other Capitalism interseted to invest with Indonesia Government without honor dignity of the Indigenous Peoples of West Papua. Forest Degradation finally occurred in West Papua, Animals gone, Forest empty, Settlers occupied lands of Indigenous Peoples of West Papua, etc.
The Malind Anim tribe in Zanegi Village, Merauke, Papua, Indonesia are hunter gatherers who rely on the forest for they livelihoods. They are born, raised and get food from the forest. But in the village of Zanegi, times have changed. The Medco corporation is clearing thousands of hectares of forest. Medco plans to convert 169,000 hectares of land to industrial tree plantations. This plantation is part of the milion hectare Meruake Integrated Food and Energy Estate, known as MIFEE.