Urgent Informati on of Sebby Sambom ArrestWarant By PNG & Indonesian Joing Team
I have sent this message to the Chairman of the TPNPB-OPM Diplomati c Council, Mr.
Akoubbo Amatus Douw in Brisbane-Australia, please follow.
Nai, If you have ti me, you can call me. Because there were reports that the Indonesian
Military, Indonesian Police, PNG Military and PNG Police were working together to
arrest Komnas TPNPB Spokesman Sebby Sambom, and last night, September 19 th 2023,
I has spoke with Sonny Karobaba in Port Moresby and he reported that it was true, and
he was informed by the Head of State Intelligence, but he said that the Head of State
Intelligence and other State Offi cials were not a problem and they know West Papuans
are sti ll Fighting for Freedom, but it was just that there were other PNG Soldiers and
Police who were suspected of being paid by Indonesia to work hard to arrest Komnas
TPNPB Spokesman Sebby Sambom, and deport him to Indonesia, and in the report
Sonny Karobaba said that they had distributed photos of Mr. Sebby Sambom in all
places, including Immigrati on and the Airport.
And those Police and Military Team are suspected of receiving bribes money from
Indonesian Authority to Arrest TPNPB Spokesman Mr. Sebby Sambom and deport him
to Indonesia. If this arrest is made, then the PNG Police and Military Team will sell their
own brother to the enemy to be killed. And this is exactly the same and this is no
diff erent from what the disciple of the Lord Jesus (Judas Iskarior), who sold the Lord
Jesus for a piece of silver coins money (according to God’s Words in the Bible).
Therefore please monitor. This is urgent informati on from Komnas TPNPB
spokesperson Sebby Sambom, and thank you for your att enti on and good cooperati on.
This informati on is important for all parti es who care about humanity to know, and this
informati on should not be publish ing on social media. And we hope that this
informati on can be conveyed to our State Leaders in PNG who support the Papuan
Nati on’s struggle in West Papua, namely (Governor Powe Parskop and his Team), as
well as to Oppositi on Leaders such as Brother Belde Nama .
The reason for the arrest warrant is according to the informati on provided by Brother
Sonny Karobaba below,
Good aft ernoon bro, is there a contact for Sebby Sambom? If there is, please advise
him, because there is already a team consisti ng of PNG police and soldiers plus
Indonesian soldiers and Intel who are looking for him to arrest him.
The reason; HE,
Seeing the reasons for this arrest, Sebby Sambom objected and refused because these
3 points cannot be used as justi fi cati on for arresti ng Sebby Sambom. And I don’t do
these 3 reasons in the PNG region, but to be honest, I’m only carrying out the task of
informing what is happening in Papua, and that is the functi on of informati on so that
there must be balanced reporti ng, meaning it is not one -sided.
So I’m not a journalist, but I am a source that all journalists around the world need.
And also I don’t carry out commands from the PNG region, but all commands are in
West Papua. My job is only to conti nue statements and reports from West Papua to all
parti es throughout the world, and especially to all journalists from various media
throughout the world.
And I also do not carry out illegal acti viti es in the PNG Legal Territory, because I am in
PNG as a Politi cal Asylum Seeker along with other Papuans. And I know that in 2015
the PNG Government has made legal regulati ons for the protecti on of all indigenous
Papuans who have fl ed to PNG due to crimes by the Indonesian Military and Police in
West Papua, so I am also part of the Politi cal Asylum seekers .
And the PNG Government as a UN member state has obligati on and moral burden to
protect all Indigenous Papuans seeking Politi cal Asylum. Because I am a former politi cal
prisoner, in this case the Indonesian government arrested me 6 ti mes and imprisoned
me twice, every year they arrested me when I was in Papua.
And aft er that Indonesia targeted to kill me, so I and my family fl ed to PNG and were
accepted by the Wewak Diocese Catholic Mission under the Coordinati on of Francis
Kemaken, and Francis Kemaken once reported to the UN Refugee Offi ce (UNHCR) in
Port Moresby in 2023, but The UN offi ce said that there was no budget to take care of
us, so we lived in Sepik under the protecti on of the Catholic Church and also with our
brothers and sisters in Sepik.
Therefore, these three points of reason for arresti ng me cannot be justi fi ed by
customary law and internati onal law. Because we are one land and one nati on, if there
is a customary law problem we have to sit together and talk as Melanesian people, not
accept bribes from Indonesia’s colonial enemies and carry out evil plans to arrest
humanitarian acti vists like Sebby Sambom. - Freedom Fighters are people who are willing to do humanitarian work for the liberati on
- of their people and country, therefore Freedom Fighters are respected by the
- internati onal community. In this way, the PNG Government does not need to make the
- fatal mistake of arresti ng freedom fi ghters at the request of Indonesia with politi cal
- bribes.
- Thank you for your att enti on, support and good cooperation.
- By Spokesperson for Nati onal Command of TPNPB, Sebby Sambom
- Att achment,
- Helping West Papuan Refugees
https://ica.gov.pg/refugees/helping-west-papuan-refugees - West Papuan refugees welcome citizenship offer in
West Papuan refugees welcome citizenship offer in PNG – ABC Pacific
Source in PDF: Sebby’s Message
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