WPLO in the United Nations Permanent Forum for Indigenous Issues 17-28 April 2023 Protest UN Resolution 2504

New York City. April 20th, 2023.
West Papua Liberation Organization, WPLO in the Hearing with UN President General Assembly Csaba Kőrösi on April 20th, 2023. Mr John Anari, Chairman of WPLO asking UN PGA to Revoke UN PGA Resolution 2504 because violate UN Charter Article 76 Clause 2 where the Referendum or Self Determination in West Papua on 1969 was done by 400s Inhabitants Peoples and 600s Settlers Indonesian.
Also, John Anari asking UN PGA place the UNGA Resolution 1752 of the Agreement between Indonesia and Netherlands back into the Agenda of the UN Trusteeships Council.
The Answer of the President General Assembly is he suggested WPLO looking for One Sponspor or some Group Sponsor from the UN Membership or sponsor from one of the Committee under General Assembly. So, they will sponsor the Draft Resoltuion of WPLO to the General Assembly Sessions in September.
Also, WPLO in the Dialog with UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNSRIP) and UN Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP). In this Dialogue, John asking UNSRIP and EMRIP to come to visit the Civil War between Indigenous Resistance of West Papua (TPNPB) with Indonesia Security Forces.
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