Prophecy of Pastor Samuel Ishack Kijne in Miei, Wondama. October 25, 1925
A Jewish missionary from the Netherlands, Pastor Samuel Ishack Kijne who evangelizes and educates the Primitive Melanesians of West Papua to know God and leave the Black Magic Culture. He stood on a rock and taught his disciples about the Bible and then said to them:
“Even if you have high dignity and morals, you will not lead this Peoples. This Peoples will rise and lead Themselves.“
These words of Pastor I. S. Kijne were spoken in front of his students on October 25, 1925 in Miei Village – Wondama County. West Papua.
It has been proven that the Sultanates of Tidore, Bacan, the Netherlands, Japan, the American Allies and the United Nations have come out, so it’s only a matter of time before Indomie Kedar will come out too.
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