Elsworth Bunker’s Letter to President JFK
Elsworth Bunker’s letter to President John. F. Kennedy on August 29, 1962 after he succeeded in designing the Proposal which became known as the New York Agreement which was signed by Indonesia and the Netherlands at the United Nations Headquarters on August 15, 1962 for the Process of Transitioning the State Administration of West Papua (West New Guinea) and the Papua Referendum. 1969.
Elsworth Bunker who acted as Mediator of the UN Secretary General, U Than was the designer of the New York Agreement and the Rome Agreement which was signed by Indonesia and the Netherlands in the capital city of Italy, Rome on September 30, 1962.
This Rome Agreement regulates the Referendum through Representatives and Indonesia controls West Papua for only 25 years, effective from May 1, 1963 to May 1, 1988.
However, the Rome Agreement was only carried out by 3 countries, namely the United States, Indonesia and the Netherlands, so all the archives were deleted by Indonesia and the United States until now.
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